Client Experiences Matter

Discover how our clients transformed their health with the exceptional EESystem through their testimonials.

I am grateful for EES and I encourage you all to give it a try. Western Medicine is not always the best answer. What have you got to lose?

Bonnie L.


Client Testimonials

Discover amazing experiences shared by our satisfied clients with EES.

Debbie M.

In 2014, Debbie was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver and has been under the care of a local doctor. At a recent visit she sat across from her doctor who was reading recent test results. Her doctor couldn’t keep from tearing up and then full on tears spilled down her cheeks. She said, “You’ve had a miracle! Your liver numbers are all normal.” And as if that wasn’t enough…her cholesterol numbers were down so Debbie could stop taking her statins and her blood pressure improved so much she now only takes one pill. And to top it all off, she’s lost twenty pounds!

Jase B.

At 9 years old Jase was diagnosed with Chiari malformation type 1, a problem in which a part of the brain (the cerebellum) at the back of the skull bulges through a normal opening in the skull where it joins the spinal canal. This puts pressure on parts of the brain and spinal cord, and can cause mild to severe symptoms. He was suffering with a variety of severe symptoms which have now greatly improved. Listen as Jase tells you in his own words about his experience with EES.

Bonnie L.

I first heard of EES on a podcast featuring Jason Shurka. I’d just been diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma and my interest was immediately piqued. After doing further research I decided to give it a try and I located a center in Las Vegas. I postponed a scheduled surgery to remove one kidney and the cancer, then my husband and I headed for Las Vegas.

The center was very nice and over the next eight days I logged in sixty hours in the system. At that time, I suffered from numerous arthritic and muscle conditions, plus neurological issues in my feet, lower legs and my back. At first, I didn’t notice any difference and hoped I hadn’t wasted my time and money, but on the third day I closed my right hand, tightly. That was something I hadn’t been able to do because of severe arthritis. Then I realized the chronic pain in my neck was gone and the pain in my back was much reduced, plus I was sleeping well and feeling cheerful and optimistic.

Then the biggest shock came. I have a condition called Macular Telangiectasia Type Two (MacTel 2) in my eyes. My central vision had decreased to a point that I couldn’t drive a car or read from a paperback book. And when I looked in the mirror on the fifth morning, I was surprised to realize that I could see my entire face. I now drive, plus I read from whatever book I want.

There were numerous other issues I dealt with that improved or completely disappeared over my eight days of treatment. The cancer was still there, but had not grown and was removed three months later. I have since discovered that I needed a lot more than sixty hours to tackle cancer.

Most of the conditions that my body resolved back in the summer of 2022 are still doing well and I’ve had no reoccurrence of the cancer. I still make sure to spend at least 6 - 8 hours a week resting in the system to help maintain good health and stand up against other issues that arise.

I am grateful for EES and I encourage you all to give it a try. Western Medicine is not always the best answer. What have you got to lose?

Kristi S.

It’s diabetes awareness month so I’d like to tell my story with the disease and the Energy Enhancement System (EES).

My years as a type 2 diabetic have been chaotic. Ten years ago, after months of being sick, I was diagnosed. I tackled it head on with insulin, metformin and diet. My blood sugars were erratic and medications that seemed to work would then fail. Then this past February, I was diagnosed with 2 blood clots and placed in the hospital. At this point, doctors discovered my blood sugars were climbing. They were aggressive in making sure to give me a strict diet (goodbye doughnuts, lol) and a new insulin regimen. After being released from the hospital, my numbers were being stubborn. They might go down by a few points and then back up by a few.

Days turned into weeks and weeks slipped into months. I was getting worse even though I was being careful with carbs (super low), healthy and lean proteins, lots of healthy greens and sugars kept to a minimum. I was taking 2 different kinds of insulin daily and instead of getting better, my blood sugars were rapidly rising. I went to 300… to 400... to 500 and higher. Fear overwhelmed me and I kept up a constant stream of emails and phones calls to my primary care doctor and pharmacy. I didn’t know what to do and the doctors seemed to be at a loss. My blood sugars had reached new heights, just under 600 and I struggled with things like getting overheated and heat exhaustion, which would send my blood sugars soaring. I felt as though I was being dragged toward a cliff with nothing to stop me from going over.

Finally, I was able to see an endocrinologist. Within 30 minutes we had my AIC number in hand and a diagnosis. I was diagnosed with insulin resistance and, shockingly, my AIC was over 14. While my numbers were still terrifying, I now felt hopeful. I had someone in my corner, someone who would help me fight back from the cliff’s edge.

When I left the office that afternoon, I had some major changes in how I could eat in order to help heal my cells, a new regimen that involved mass quantities of insulin and other medications. I had a plan and I was going to fight back!

I implemented the new changes right away and within a few weeks my AIC had dropped down to an 11 and I was ecstatic! It was working! But then it started to flatline a bit. Numbers were dropping but much slower and while I was glad for any progress, it was admittedly a bit disheartening after the initial drop.

This is when I began working with the EESystem. I had heard stories before about the System helping others with diabetes but hadn’t had a chance to use it for myself during the past months. I started spending time in the system 3 days a week and I began to feel some changes. I had more energy and after the past few months with the massive highs in blood sugars, my body could feel something was changing. Within a couple weeks the numbers also began reflecting the change. Drops began occurring. In the 300’s… a week later and down into the 200’s…another week…I had some numbers into the 100’s range. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Was this for real? I used a Libre 2 arm sensor to check my numbers and I would follow up with finger pricks, just to be certain.

Within a month, I was having fasting blood sugars under 100 some mornings. My thought was, how is this possible? I started challenging it. I would purposefully skip a dose of insulin, just to see what would happen. It would stay low and then start to rise by the next dose. Over the following weeks I had more and more numbers coming up that were closer to pre-diabetic numbers. In September, I had new bloodwork done and a new AIC taken. My AIC is now down to 6.5. I am at the lowest possible number a diabetic can have and still be considered a diabetic, and I can go multiple days without taking any insulin before my numbers begin to rise again.

I have been told by medical professionals that my AIC dropping so much and so quickly is almost unheard of. The drastic change happened over the course of a couple months instead of what I was told would normally take a year or longer to achieve. I do still follow a plant protein-based diet but the results that occurred after using the EESystem are nothing short of miraculous. My doctor told me that if I hadn’t caught it when I did, I would have been in a diabetic coma by the end of summer and possibly not have survived. I think back on his words and where I am now, just a few months later and am still in shock at the changes.

Everyone will have their own experiences and their own stories to share when it comes to using the EESystem, but this one is mine. I believe it not only saved my life but may possibly one day have me off insulin altogether. The possibilities when we let our bodies heal themselves are limitless. I encourage each and every one of you to see what the EESystem can do for you.